Corporate Translations, Inc.
Corporate Translations, Inc



When legal and other proceedings are recorded in audio or video formats, Corporate Translations can be relied upon not only to provide highly skilled translators to translate the recorded content, but also top-notch transcribers to transcribe it accurately and quickly.

To ensure the most precise transcription, your Corporate Translations project manager will first orchestrate the transcription of the material in the language in which it was recorded, then manage the translation.  Both the transcription and translation are performed by native speakers expertly versed in the subject matter.

In keeping with Corporate Translations’ rigorous quality-control standards, all transcriptions are carefully reviewed and proofread before they are sent to the client.

Interviews, meetings, conferences, depositions, product videos, focus-group activities, verbal questionnaires and telephone communications are just a few of the recorded exchanges Corporate Translations is equipped to transcribe and translate.
Source digital files may be submitted to Corporate Translations by e-mail or ftp.  Other source material may be sent on CD, DVD or audio/video cassettes (of course, your source material is treated with the utmost confidentiality).  The approved transcription is available for delivery via e-mail or as requested.

No matter the language, subject area, number of speakers or quality of the source material, Corporate Translations will provide satisfaction with a transcription of unsurpassed quality.

Our Services: